Thursday 11 February 2016

Dug over Fruit Cage, Pruned Redcurrant Bushes, dug over edges of fruit beds and put manure round fruit bushes, raspberries/loganberries and rhubarb. Finally finished Allotment 1

Today I went down to onto Allotment 1 for about 5 hours. I dug over in the Fruit cage to clear all the weeds, including a lot of bindweed roots out. I also pruned the Redcurrant bushes so that they are more compact and therefore it should be easier to pick the fruit in the Summer.

I also straightened the edge of the fruit beds to make it look tidier as well as put manure around the fruit bushes, rhubarb and around my raspberries and loganberries.

I have finally finished digging over Allotment 1 and have now done most of the tidying up.

Front edge of the Fruit Cage
Redcurrant bush
Manure around fruit bushes
Looking from Fruit cage down to the Rhubarb patch
and Raspberry/Loganberry patches
Raspberry and Loganberry patches
Rhubarb patch after manuring
Looking down towards the Greenhouse from the Fruit Cage
Looking down the Allotment from the raised beds

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